About us...

Montreal-Toronto-Ottawa-New York-Mexico City
Sisters, Paulina Flores Rutenberg and Daniela Flores McEntyre are co founders and owners of PFR Design. Based in Montreal PFR Design has been providing upscale goods and Interior Design services since 1999. Specializing in residential design, Paulina’s trademark style incorporates the elegance of old-world Europe with the streamlined glamour and careful editing of modern day design. At PFR Design you can find European Inspired exclusive collections and luxury lines from around the world. Our distinguished collections go beyond home accessories and furniture lines and range from luxury children's clothing to educational toys, to tabletop and antique silver. Our lines, above all, represent our vision of elegance, sophistication and originality. Daniela believes strongly in allowing a child's creativity, learning and social development to flourish with age appropriate materials and toys. She focuses on bringing in children's lines that speak to the novel and the unique, while remaining mindful, always, to respect traditional and environmentally conscious methods of production: Products that are inspired and are meant to inspire.

Blog Archive

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Keep Calm and Carry on.

The new school year is upon us...

We are not sure who suggested that resolutions be made in January. It seems to us that September is the month for new ideas, de cluttering every corner of the house, planning healthy meals and getting back to the gym.
January just seems so random in the cold and stagnant winter months. As a food lover, don't ask me to give up my hearty soups, tasty stews and freshly baked bread.
I don't want to. It's too bloody cold.
In that vein, please do not ask me to squeeze into my summer lulu's and freeze my derriere off to try and get to the gym in order to try and lose those 10 extra pounds from Christmas.

Perhaps this might be one of the reasons that January resolutions just don't work.
They are just not realistic.

Now set the stage for September:

As we see our children off to school and we re discover the word "time" again, we can start to focus on our individuality. As we plan weekly lunches for the kids, figure out car pools, get homework done and squeeze in the sports somewhere, this should be the time when we re- structure our own lives.

As another year begins for our children, so does a new opportunity to change the things that aren't working in our own lives.

At PFR Design, September is all about helping you find the Zen in your life. It can start with something as easy as cleaning out a cupboard, organizing a kids play room, redecorating a room, creating a peaceful bedroom environment, planning a healthy and invigorating meal plan or creating a work space that works for you.

We are very excited to share many creative elegant, practical, simple solutions to help your September become as efficient and as productive as possible.

Here are a couple of clean office spaces that inspired us this September.

(image; Roxanne Beis interior design via home design)

(image; Roxanne Beis interior design via home design)

(Image: Lloyd Ralphs Design James Tse Photography)

(Image: Traveller office Furniture from Cinna)

(Image House Beautiful,Lindsay Bonds Alabama Home)

(Image Rhetorica designed by What we Do)

(Rhetorica office space designed by What We Do)

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